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Catholic Charities is 'An Island of Hope'

Posted on August 04, 2020 in: Catholic Charities News

Catholic Charities is 'An Island of Hope'

Catholic Charities is “An Island of Hope” to many these days who are dealing with the physical and financial effects of COVID-19. Catholic Charities provides a place of respite for our clients to weather the Covid-19 storm. The number of clients served by Catholic Charities throughout the Diocese during the pandemic is staggering, and with your help, we are making a difference. Here is just one example of how your donations and gifts are helping:

Robyn’s Story

“Dear Catholic Charities, I want to thank you so very much for the generous and thoughtful gifts that you gave to me. I have been struggling for five years. The last four months have been exceptionally difficult. I have put off asking for assistance as I have been selling my things to help make ends meet (almost). My son has a minimum wage job and at 21 has been an incredible blessing to me as well. Since he faces his own many struggles, I finally sought out your assistance. My son and I have done our best to help others and never expected to be in this uncomfortable and embarrassing situation.

Your kindness is so very much appreciated. When I opened my donation bags, I started crying! The amount was overwhelming and such a relief. My money can now be used to cover other needs and I can eat less repetitive meals, along with sharing with my son next door. Thank you for the amount of care that was put into what was chosen for us! I was blown away at what was obvious "meal planning” according to our ages and needs. My son was so excited to have the ingredients to make spaghetti, he cooked Monday night and invited me over for dinner with canned fruit for dessert. He was even more excited to have leftovers for work the next day. We both appreciate it all so very much. Once again – THANK YOU!"


This is just one of the stories of how working together is making a difference in the lives of our neighbors. There are however others we can’t see, the hidden sufferers. Those that are too proud to reach out and ask for help because they think there is someone who needs the help more than themselves. Won’t you help us help them? Reach out to that relative, neighbor or friend that you haven’t seen in a while. Find out how they are doing. If they seem to be struggling, mention Catholic Charities and the “Help” and “Hope” we can provide. Share the story of Robyn with them. It just might be all that they need to contact us for help.

Another way to help is by making a donation, as funding is one of the biggest challenges that we face. In the first half of the year, Catholic Charities has seen a 65% increases in clients and utility assistance. Emergency meal distribution has increased more than 87%, 127% in rental assistance, and a whopping 163% in infant and youth needs.

Through your generosity, we have been able to meet the needs of those seeking help, but the struggle continues as resources quickly get depleted. We are asking for your help as your gifts and donations play a big role in our ability to help those in need. Your heartfelt contribution, no matter how large or small, will be used to help support our neighbors in need.

Working together with you, our Diocese, our grantors, and our community, Catholic Charities will continue our 99- year mission of Providing Help and Creating Hope for our neighbors in need. Thank you!

By Jack Babbit

Catholic Charities
Diocese of Norwich

331 Main Street
Norwich, CT 06360