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The Diocese of Norwich filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy on July 15, 2021.  For more information, please visit the diocesan website here
Catholic Charities is a separate legal entity.  Donations made to Catholic Charities will continue to exclusively support our mission and operation.

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Daily, inside our doors, some of the best work of the of the church takes place. Here, we witness the face of Jesus in those who come through our doors for assistance every day. The individuals and families we serve are vulnerable, scared, and sometimes ashamed of the obstacles they find themselves up against.  They are uncertain of what their futures hold or how they will navigate through the difficulties they are facing.  It is here, at Catholic Charities, that they find help and hope through the compassionate work of our staff and volunteers.

Due to a variety of economic realities as well as dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic, we are experiencing a huge increase in the number of individuals & families seeking assistance with basic needs; baby necessities, financial assistance to pay for utilities, housing and food. It is a much bigger challenge than most people realize as the needs of people we serve are often not being matched by similar donations and/or other funding sources. As the need for assistance continues to rise, we continue to struggle to meet those needs.

We ask that you join us and prayerfully consider a gift to the Catholic Charities Annual Fund.  Your gift is a gift of love and a celebration of our 100-year legacy, our ministry today and the work that will continue throughout New London, Middlesex, Tolland and Windham counties.

On behalf of those we serve, I would like to thank you and your family for the help these small acts of kindnesses will be to those who come to our door in crisis. 

Gratefully Yours in Christ,

The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D.                                       
Bishop of Norwich


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Your Impact, Their Story…

Catholic Charities is a wonderful place where they offer other assistance than just outstanding one-on-one counseling. I thank God for being able to receive such a wonderful program and beautiful people such as Catholic Charities to fund such great work– J.C.


I was really pleased to know that you cared not only or my immediate need but as a whole, in us as a family, which I greatly appreciated as sometimes I feel nobody cares. Often times I just want to cry but the reality is I have two wonderful kids that need me. We’ve met many caring people along the way, thank you for taking the time to get to know us a little. – F.C.


Thank you for your much needed help during this difficult financial time for me, for giving me strength to persist and succeed. Knowing that someone is there to help means the world to me. –S.J.


I would like to thank Catholic Charities for helping my family so much. I did not know where to go or who to speak with about my problems. My daughter was so happy with a full tummy and I was happy to have food in the house. My daughter loved the new clothes that were not dirty and stained. When we go out, my daughter now fits in and is not ashamed about the way she looks. Thank you for all you have done.M.H. and Family


“You caught me when I was falling” – M.S.


Laura's Story

“I'm writing to share my story with you about what this pregnancy education program and group means to me and my son.

I came to meet with the Pregnancy Educator through referral of my counselor at Catholic Charities. I was seeking mental, emotional and financial support. I was in my second trimester at the time. I was scared because my pregnancy was high risk and my boyfriend was facing jail time after the baby's arrival.

After the first time I met her, I could instantly tell I could trust her. She was very encouraging and reassured me she would help me and my baby in any way she could. She really meant it! During our appointments, we completed referrals for housing, clothing and even day care. I wasn't sure how to apply but she would find the answer instantly for me. Most programs you are told to wait but she always took care of me and what I needed the same day. She provided me with diapers, clothing, nursing bra and a car seat.

The most important thing really for me was she supported me as a mother or as a good friend would. I felt supported, so in turn, I was less stressed in my pregnancy and after the baby's arrival. There's never anything I don't feel comfortable sharing. I would recommend this group and program to anyone expecting a baby even if it's not their first. I feel blessed to have been in it for as long as I have."

Emergency Basic Needs
Our goal is to assist families in crisis by providing immediate help with emergency basic needs (food, clothing, rental assistance, utility assistance, emergency transportation, and financial prescription assistance). We have seen a steady increase of people in our communities who need help. Those who were once donors have now become clients. Given the struggles of so many today, we are challenged to meet the needs of every client who comes to us for help and hope. Last year due to limited funding, Catholic Charities had to refer 225 families to other community service agencies for help. With your support, we hope to reduce the number of referrals our agency makes.

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Adoption Services
We believe that all children deserve a loving, committed, safe and permanent family.  Catholic Charities, Diocese of Norwich has created a strategic partnership with other Catholic Charities agencies in Connecticut and with local child placing agencies.

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Parenting Education
Catholic Charities believes families are worthy of opportunities to achieve empowerment and self-sufficiency and for that reason we have designed a program to help parents and expectant mothers and fathers get the information and support they need. 

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Intensive Case Management Services
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Norwich plans, secures, coordinates, monitors, and advocates for unified goals and services with organizations and personnel on behalf of individuals and families. We provide a coordinated comprehensive array of services through ongoing support and frequent contact with a trusting, caring Case Manager.  Our Pregnancy Services provide comprehensive education and support services to anyone who is expecting a baby   We also provide basic baby needs.  Individuals and families who receive our services, access and use resources and supports that build on their strengths and meet their service needs. All clients are empowered to become self-sufficient.

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Catholic Charities
Diocese of Norwich

331 Main Street
Norwich, CT 06360